Treat Accessibly Halloween Village 1st in North America
<audio description> Siena, Rich, and Natasha Padulo standing in front of a street decorated for Halloween.
RICH PADULO: Hi, we're the Padulo family and we founded Treat Accessibly to help Canada be accessible at Halloween.
The Halloween Village is made possible, this year, by 30 homeowners in the Westin village area on Queen's drive and they volunteered their homes to decorate on October 2nd, so we may film it and share it across Canada for the next three weeks thanks to the help of RE/MAX, Kinder, and Canadian Tire.
<audio description> Costumed characters and children dressed for trick-or-treating standing in a circle.
SPEAKER 1: A hand for April, let's hear it. [APPLAUSE]
RICH: In support of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and the Westin Village kids having an inclusive Halloween together by taking Halloween to the curb for curbside trick-or-treating.
Our goal is to show, not tell, families across Canada and the United States just how accessible you can be, with ease, by simply moving your trick-or-treating station to the end of your driveway.
<audio description> masked man standing beside an Olaf the snowman inflatable lawn ornament, from the movie Frozen.
MASKED MAN: For the people out there listening, and want to do a special event like this even for six houses in a row, eight houses in a row, that's all it takes
<audio description> Woman dressed as a wizard
WIZARD: Being here, to be honest with you, it's really touching.
RICH: and it's really amazing for our community to be able to support something like this.
Any home can do this this Halloween and they can come to our website at www.treataccessibly.com to get all the materials and tips, on how they can rally their neighbourhood to treat accessibly this year.
Thank you very much for thinking about treating accessibly this year and we hope that you do.
<audio description> Treat Accessibly logo. Active accessibility symbol with flowing cape.
<audio description> Screen text with "Halloween Village with special thanks to: Canadian Tire, Party City, Kinder, and RE/MAX".
MULTIPLE VOICES: Happy Halloween everybody!